Thursday, December 07, 2006

Staying busy

The saying, "When God closes a door, he opens a window" really is true. If you search, you can find blessings in everything.

Last Saturday, Antonio (17-month-old) at Casa de Esperanza (children's home) gave us a real scare. He began to be sick on Thursday. When he didn't show signs of improving, Karen took the hour long drive into town to the hospital. That meant that Jen was watching 9 kids alone. Since I had just sold my vehicle, the girls said that I could drop by the hospital and take the van to come help. So, Katrina and I went Saturday night. I had to leave early the next morning to teach Sunday school, but Katrina stayed to help Jen. That afternoon, we all drove out to Casa to relieve Katrina while I stayed again. Jen had gotten sick that day, so for the next two days, she was unable to help much with the kids. I went back and forth in the morning and at night Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Last night, Antonio and Karen were able to come home.

I had been so busy with the kitchen that I had felt like I couldn't go out to the children's home. However, when I made time to do so, I was extremely blessed. I have several great stories but will have to sum up the best of it with Jen's blog. I cannot even begin to express literally everything half as good as Jen, so please, click on the link below.

Let me first say that I had just finished my long drive into Santa Ana. Immediately when I walked in the door, Yovanny drug me to his room to show me his birthday presents. Upon returning to the family room, three kids approached me with other news of the day and to greet me. While they were hanging on me, the only adult in the room announced that she had to immediately get home. She barely said hello to me. 10 seconds after she walked out of the door, her 12-year-old son (who was planning to spend the night), informed me that 15 minutes ago, Fernando drank some of the liquid in a container. Here is where Jen's story comes in...

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