Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Vacation Bible School

This past Saturday, a new project began in the Mololoa community. Melissa had a great idea to use the first Saturday of each month to host a mini-VBS. It was thrown together at the last minute because we were too busy having a great time with my parents and David Marble while they were here the past two weeks. However, it turned out great!

The lesson was given by the preacher's wife. She did a good job telling the kids about Jonah (while I held up pictures from a book--imagine that, the librarian with a book). She also led them in songs, which they love.

Then the kids colored pictures and ate lunch (peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, chips, juice, and cookies). Last, we watched the VeggieTales version of Jonah. Let me tell you: it is funnier in Spanish. :)

I'll keep you updated on future lessons.
Love y'all,

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