Sunday, October 30, 2005

The more...the merrier!

Saturday, October 29th

This morning Joe picked up Katie and me at 7:45 a.m. (yes, on a Saturday!). We made a quick stop at Wendy's for breakfast--they are pretty good. Then, we made the 45-minute trek to Santa Ana. Once again, today was a day of learning during my whopping two hours of work.

"The more...the merrier!" When we arrived at the work site for the new orphanage, there were two piles of dirt/sand/rock (one medium size and the other large). Five men and one of Timateo's sons each had a wheelbarrow and a shovel to transfer the dirt to the base of the orphanage foundation. Katie and I were assigned to this task. We were all merrily working along for about 15 minutes. Then, the men went on their breakfast break. Whoa, nelly! Three workers don't move as much as eight.

This is how it is with Christians. Three workers, thirty workers, three hundred workers all for the kingdom. Think of all the people of the world. How many people claim to believe in God? It narrows down more when you ask how many are Christians. How many of those are actively working for the Lord? And, I'm not talking about elders, preachers, and missionaries. Everyone can be working to influence our world. Remember, "in this world but not of it." Do you seek to spread the Good News to those you encounter daily? Do you show the love of our Heavenly Father to your fellow man? Do you look to see Jesus? Never discount where you are--God has you there for a specific reason.

(P.S. Once the guys came back, we finished one pile of dirt and most of the other. I am sure they will finish the second pile soon as they work together.)

Missing my home church, especially (where your heart has a home).
Love you all!

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