Friday, October 14, 2005


Today, I received a “sunshine card.” :) Doesn’t that make you want to smile? I sure did! I was sitting at my desk when the library assistant brought in the mail with this bright yellow postcard. My home church has this service of mailing out postcards of encouragement that members write. It was such a blessing to be reminded of those back home who are so supportive. I love you all!

Okay, okay, okay…so, I have neglected the blogspot. I apologize to all of you wonderful people who have kept up with me. I have been good about E-mailing for the most part. I owe a few return E-mails this weekend. However, in talking with family and friends recently, I have learned that I am not getting many E-mails. I have no idea why the service isn’t working properly. If you do not receive a response from me by this Monday, then I never got your E-mail.

And speaking of communication, I am happy to report that I now have a working phone for people to call me with no charge to you. The only downside is that I am rarely home to answer it. Messages are always welcome, and they brighten my day. I promise to return the call as soon as possible. If you wish to call, send me an E-mail so that I can send the number to you.

Galatians 6:10,

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