Sunday, May 18, 2008

I am excited about a few friends being in town...Nathan and Lauren are working on the garden projects while Jacob is interning at Casa de Esperanza.
Every month we spent a great deal of money on vegetables and hope to put our land to use to help lighten the financial burden. On Monday of this week, Nathan and his group of Lipscomb students came to Mololoa to set up our garden. They planted tomatoes, green beans, potatoes, carrots, onions, watermelons, peppers, and cilantro.

I am SOOOO excited about this project and hope that our vegetables and fruits flourish in the rocky soil. Please pray for our small garden to grow up green (and red and orange and brown). And also pray for this group of college students as they travel through Honduras using their talents and knowledge to bless others. Thank you to everyone who had a part in them being able to come to help the people of Honduras.

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